After a very cool snowfall end of november we were so happy with so many cool spots around for huge sessions.
But a super warm south wind was blowing for one week.
All the snow disappeared under 2.000m.
Now, for one month the only one spot remains the Lautaret Pass.
It is 2h30 driving from my home...
That means 5h00 hours driving every session I plan to do up-there.
It's already hard but came harder when I drive so long road and meet wrong conditions so no kiting session.
What a pitty.
The forecast was quite every day wrong.
So I went for no kiting at least 8 times...
I missed some pretty good sessions when the very bad weather was announced and the conditions were OK though.
Anyway, here are some facts :
-We never get to the mythical spot Les 3 Evêchés since end of october, when the snow came here in our mountains. This is near incredible, we need the south-east wind and we can say that it never blows this direction for two monthes and half.
-Chasta came from Tahiti on the 6th december, and since this date, I made a short movie, but no photo at all. Because we never got any session for at least a basic picture. So many super stormy days, foggy, or sometimes blue sky with no wind at all for the whole day.
-We didn't go kiting the usual spot called "Le grand virage" for more than one month, I mean for all december month. This is as well really incredible as this good spot is normaly the main area for snowkiting here at Lautaret Pass.
-We are loosing now the Combeynod area, very good spot and the only one when the north-west wind is blowing. The rangers from the Natural Park came and told that they won't allow us to go kiting this area any more. They were pretty cool during the end of last season but now they will fine us if we go kiting there.
So, even when we are free to go snowkiting every day, it's not sure we'll get the perfect conditions for cool videos and photos promoting our sport.
That's wat it is.

I made this picture yesterday, we were waiting all the day long without any breeze, speaking around near the car park, then we could feel the air starting to move very very very very slow. We set up our gear and I could have a 20meters run for this pic. Then the wind stopped.