We've got the sad news today.
No more session this winter on the Etna volcano with the Ozone Italia crew.
That was cool, two years, we went first to the summit with Chasta on 2009, then with Dom as well on 2010.
I've been first telemaker reaching the main cratere Bocca Nuova.
So warm memories, friendships, italian food, Red Bull girls, and the parties in Catania, crazy.
Well, just can have a look at the movie from last session :
We go to Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, instead.
Not so bad...
Flight on the 20th february.
Stay tuned.
samedi 29 janvier 2011
mardi 25 janvier 2011
Issue #2 Snowkiting spots. Col du Petit Saint-Bernard.
Well, here is the link below to the issue #2 about the snowkiting spots.
A movie made on last friday from La Rosière ski-resort and introducing the famous spot Le Col du Petit Saint-Bernard.
Not really perfect yet, still lot of things to be improved, but better than the first issue about Chazelet I recon.
A movie made on last friday from La Rosière ski-resort and introducing the famous spot Le Col du Petit Saint-Bernard.
Not really perfect yet, still lot of things to be improved, but better than the first issue about Chazelet I recon.

lundi 24 janvier 2011
Kiteworld mag
dimanche 23 janvier 2011
Championnats de France Open distance. La Rosière.
En tête du Championnat de la France distance !!!
Mais y a trois soucis.
1-C'est en vétérans. Ils ont pas voulu que je courre avec les seniors. Ils m'ont dit t'es trop vieux, tu cours en vétérans, et tu discutes pas.
2-Je me suis fait battre par un Suisse spécialiste de la race sur le flat (skis de descente, voile de buggy, poignées) et c'était du flat... Fuck the flat. Mais bon, à la régulière, rien à dire, respect.
3-Y a encore trois étapes à courir pour avoir le titre, et je pourrai pas aller aux trois.
Voilà le bilan du week-end.
A part ça, c'était super sympa comme ambiance.

Là, c'est une photo prise des rushes du vendredi, je vais faire un film sur ce spot sympa, en allant un peu dans les pentes. La course, c'était tout en bas, sur le F... the flat.
Mais y a trois soucis.
1-C'est en vétérans. Ils ont pas voulu que je courre avec les seniors. Ils m'ont dit t'es trop vieux, tu cours en vétérans, et tu discutes pas.
2-Je me suis fait battre par un Suisse spécialiste de la race sur le flat (skis de descente, voile de buggy, poignées) et c'était du flat... Fuck the flat. Mais bon, à la régulière, rien à dire, respect.
3-Y a encore trois étapes à courir pour avoir le titre, et je pourrai pas aller aux trois.
Voilà le bilan du week-end.
A part ça, c'était super sympa comme ambiance.

Là, c'est une photo prise des rushes du vendredi, je vais faire un film sur ce spot sympa, en allant un peu dans les pentes. La course, c'était tout en bas, sur le F... the flat.
samedi 15 janvier 2011
End of the Snowkitemasters.

Well, the 7th Snowkitemasters here in Serre-Chevalier are near to be over.
One day remaining for the French Snowkiting Championships Freestyle.
Yesterday, the International Snowkitemasters organized a Race around the Lautaret Pass.
60 competitors, ski, snowboard, girls, boys.
I ended 2nd in Ski just following my friend the viking Bjorn Kaupang from Norway.
Snowboard winner was Marek Zach from CZ and Chasta 2.
Well today was the first day of French Championships but the snow was so hard, at least like concrete, they can't run the contest.
A Race was set up instead and I won it, whow.
First, just few seconds before Laurent Sublet french champ for last two years.
Cool day indeed.
Tomorrow is the last day of this perfect week.
For sure one more cool session with sun, snow, wind, friends.
mardi 11 janvier 2011
2011 Snowkitemasters 7.0
La voile du lac.

Rien à voir avec le snowkite et la neige en cette saison.
J'ai récupéré la semaine dernière la meilleure voile pour notre lac où le vent souffle à 8knds toute la journée...
Carrément un bon deal, merci Nico le team-manager !
Surprise au sujet du modèle en 21m dès les premières sessions sur la flaque.
Disons, mi-avril.
Les tirs en unhooked, ça va envoyer dans le light wind.

lundi 10 janvier 2011
2011 Snowkitemasters 7.0
jeudi 6 janvier 2011
Chazelet Emparis

I'm starting up a new serie of videos about the snowkiting spots.
The aim is to introduce each spot where I go snowkiting with some tips like the location, the level, the danger, the best wind, the possibilities, the special informations as all spots let their own marks in our mind.
This first one is about the Emparis plateau, beginning near the Chazelet village, just a few kilometers far from La Grave, France.
The movie is definitely not perfect, it's far to be, I will do my best to improve the further ones.
lundi 3 janvier 2011
Ready for the 7th SNOWKITEMASTERS.
Last week free before the super over busy SKM week for me.
This year, I will have to do the photos for the mythical event here at Lautaret Pass, Serre-Chevalier Valley.
And as well a daily report for the web.
May be a short movie but I don't think to be free enough for it.
Let's wait and see.
The forecast announces huge snowfall for the further days.
So perfect conditions for the event next week.
I hope to meet you all there.
Here is the poster below and you can reconize one of my watercolors mountain paintings.
I was asked by Régis and Wareck to draw some kiters into the frame.
Drawing people is definitely not within my skills, sorry for the not super good kiter doodles on the poster...
Anyway, let's pray for a super event, like we spent all of them since the first one in 2005.
This year, I will have to do the photos for the mythical event here at Lautaret Pass, Serre-Chevalier Valley.
And as well a daily report for the web.
May be a short movie but I don't think to be free enough for it.
Let's wait and see.
The forecast announces huge snowfall for the further days.
So perfect conditions for the event next week.
I hope to meet you all there.
Here is the poster below and you can reconize one of my watercolors mountain paintings.
I was asked by Régis and Wareck to draw some kiters into the frame.
Drawing people is definitely not within my skills, sorry for the not super good kiter doodles on the poster...
Anyway, let's pray for a super event, like we spent all of them since the first one in 2005.

samedi 1 janvier 2011
Lucky new year !!!!
Yes, I wish you the most important thing in our life, LUCK.
Think that the passengers on the Titanic were all in a good health...
Here is a bacic shot to start the 2011 new year the right way :

One of these super super super super light wind blowing days here at Lautaret Pass on 2010 december.
At least it was blowing...
With so many other ones with no wind at all.
Let's hope that 2011 will bring better conditions.
Cheers all.
Think that the passengers on the Titanic were all in a good health...
Here is a bacic shot to start the 2011 new year the right way :

One of these super super super super light wind blowing days here at Lautaret Pass on 2010 december.
At least it was blowing...
With so many other ones with no wind at all.
Let's hope that 2011 will bring better conditions.
Cheers all.
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