Hi all.
After a cool summertime working and having some cool kitesurfing sessions on my lake in the french Alps, it's time now to prepare the further snowikiting season.
New website at
boulgakow.com with link to the video channel White Kite on Vimeo, link to this blog for fresh live news along the days, link again to the White Kite News facebook page for news coming from all snowkiting facebook friends round the world, and coming soon a special online flapping magazine called as well White Kite Magazine.
The first report at WK mag will be about our journey in Turkey with Marek Zach, Chast family and Murat Bukey for three incredible snowkiting days in Erciyes.
Sorry for the news which stopped about last mid-march, my laptop crashed while travelling in USA, and we went to Turkey right after, I stayed more than one month and half without my snowkiting photos and video footage available. All is going right now.
Stay tuned dudes as I'm editing the 2012 videos about our sessions with Chasta in Utah and Colorado.
Really cool moments that will can be seen as well on the White Kite Magazine right after the Turkish report.
Well, all is right though.
Exciting season is just kicking off at least on the web.
Snow is due to less than one month here in our french Alps.
Have great time mates.

Chasta towing daughter Kailea in Erciyes, Turkey, 2011 march.